Murasaki no Hana
A Devilishly Delightful Game of Chance!
Potion Roulette Shots, with a sinfully magic twist!
(You may only play this game once per player, per night the venue is open!)
Rules: You will /random roll and the results will determine which potion you will be handed to drink for the evening. The effects of the potion you win will last for one single evening and you can RP out how they affect you in this venue or any others you may end up visiting.
50,000 gil to play!
Winning potion rolls are as follows:
0 to 199 - The Moogle's Whimsy
This white potion causes your character to sporadically bounce around for the remainder of the evening with hiccups which result in temporary seconds of weightlessness. Slight dizziness may occur.
200 to 399 - The Verdant Woods
This green potion causes your character to gain the attention of all things wild and green within the establishment. Flowers and plants will bloom around you in a whimsical manner that you cannot control.
400 to 599 - The Succubus Kiss
This pink vial will cause the one that consumes it to lose all of their shyness for an evening. You may find them outlandishly flirting in often embarrassing and cheesy ways, and they will be quite shameless for the duration of the night. It's not them, it's the potion, I swear!
600 to 799 - The Tonberry Delight
This blue potion will grant you the ability to see and communicate with the spirits for one evening. Be careful what you ask, some things are better left unknown.
800 to 899 - Fat Cat Magic Attack!
You have gained an elemental ability! How will this purple potion affect you for the night? To determine your new temporary skill, roll once more please!
100 - 200 - Earth
201 - 400 - Ice / Water
401 - 600 - Wind
601 - 800 - Fire
801 - 900 - Light / Holy
901 - 999 - Void / Darkness
900 to 999 - Favor of Divinity
Your gift manifests in the form of a crystal that radiates the purest of divine energy. You may wish to say a prayer to the twelve and save your good fortune for the darkest of days to come. Simply pocketing this win causes your body to emit a soft radiating glow for the evening.